Eric's been working on a new zone in the Quel'thalas area, and we thought it would be cool to show it to you guys!

"So I've been working on a custom questline for my Northeron Refuge area. The area will feature combat mechanics, vendors/trainers, a quest hub, plus much more. I'm also working on a questline for the area and making some custom lore along the way. I don't want to spoil it for you guys, but the final reward for the last quest is your choice of a helm. (They're upgrades to ICC25 H headgear.)" - Eric

The Scourge is invading Quel'thalas, and they must be stopped. This new area will feature a custom questline, and much more, including a fully scripted 5-man boss for the questline. There's so much in this new area, so I might as well show a couple screenshots.

"A picture is worth a thousand words."

Also, this isn't the only thing that's going to be added into PwnWoW: Redux. This is only one of the many custom areas being added. Stay tuned for more info.
8/23/2010 02:14:43 pm

Yeah I know you like my zone. Be jealous! =P


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